Airomé Citrus Boost Essential Oil Blend
- Blend of: Bergamot, blood orange, grapefruit, lemon, mandarin orange, orange, spearmint, tangerine
- NATURAL PICK-ME-UP: Diffuse when experiencing mental fatigue or needing a boost.
- USE: Use 3-5 drops per 100 mL of water with a diffuser.
- Airome Citrus Boost Blend is an energizing blend that is citrusy and sweet. An energizing blend with the many benefits of citrus oils. Diffuse for an energized and uplifting feeling and sense of ease.
- All Airome Oils carry our P.L.A.N.T. Promise: Pure, Lab-tested for quality, All-natural, Non-GMO, Therapeutic Grade. They are sourced from farms around the world, where each plant is able to grow to its best potential.
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